This snippet has been taken from “Paint Contractors Business Manual” by “Kevin Mc Geer”. Site preparation involves the demolition or wrecking of buildings and other structures, clearing of building sites and sale of materials from demolished structures which is well described at “House Painters Washington DC“
The following items are things that normally have to be done to prepare a site for work. The previous site check list can be used in conjunction with this site preparation.
- Site hut or secure area for storage hire a site hut if you feel the contract will carry on for a long period of time. Alternatively, ask the client for permission for storage space.
- Electricity

If electricity is needed, ask the client up front for this facility. If necessary, hire a generator.
- Water
Always have a spare collection of hosepipe connections for different taps. Never use fire hydrants.
- Ablutions
Keep ablution facilities clean and supply toilet paper, soap and so on.
- Rubble removable
It may be necessary to hire a skip to cart away rubble. Take all rubbish to a recognized dump.
- Parking
Be mindful of parking and do not block right of way traffic.
- Inspections

Make progress inspections with the client and suppliers routine.
- Production board
Have a write and wipe board to project and show at a glance which sites you have coming up to assist in the planning of contracts. Keep it up to date.
- Sub-contractors
Keep control of all sub-contractors and their contracts.
- Site register
In the site file, keep a daily record of all staff, for actual costing records.
- Quality plan
A quality plan is a critical part of site control. Using the quality plan properly will save money. (See the quality plan section).
- Guarantee
Keep records of all guarantees in the contracts completed file for future use.
- Production schedule
Plan every contract using the production schedule. Write in the scope of work for the contract and across the top put in a time line. Keep this schedule up to date at all times.
- Meetings
Regular meetings with minutes are crucial. Put everything in writing, especially extras to the contract so no arguments can be made later.
The following meetings should be held on a regular basis.
- Staff meetings at least twice a year to assess their happiness in the work place.
- Monthly accounting meetings with your accounting officer.
- Weekly internal production meetings or daily as maybe required.
- Weekly site meetings with your client.
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